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Bitcointalk 2019 Cryptocurrency Elliott Wave

Speculating on Bitcoin's Future with Elliott Wave Analysis

Unlocking Market Insights with Subjective Forecasting

The Elliott Wave principle is a renowned technical analysis tool that seeks to predict future price movements by studying the psychology of market participants. While this analysis is inherently speculative, it can provide valuable insights into potential price trajectories.

Wave Principle Basics

According to the Elliott Wave theory, price movements occur in a series of waves. These waves follow a specific pattern of five upward waves (labeled 1, 3, 5) and three downward waves (labeled 2, 4). Within each wave, there are further sub-waves that adhere to the same pattern.

Bitcoin's Potential Path

Applying the Elliott Wave principle to Bitcoin, analysts have identified a potential scenario where the current downward wave (wave d) is nearing completion, indicating that an upward wave (wave e) could be imminent. This suggests a potential price increase from $5,500 to $7,000.

Magnitude of Wave III

Based on historical data and the current wave structure, analysts anticipate that wave III, the longest and strongest upward wave, could potentially have a 1.618 extension. This would imply a significant price increase, potentially reaching new all-time highs.

Caveats and Considerations

It's crucial to note that Elliott Wave analysis is subjective and should not be taken as infallible. Market conditions can change rapidly, and patterns may not always play out as expected. Additionally, the magnitude and timing of future waves can be difficult to predict accurately.


While speculative, the Elliott Wave principle can provide a framework for understanding market dynamics and identifying potential trading opportunities. By carefully studying past price movements and applying the principles of wave theory, traders can gain valuable insights into the possible future trajectory of Bitcoin.
